“Enriching Our Global Community with One Keynote & Workshop Presentation at a Time”

Engaging, Entertaining, Enlightening!

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My life's journey has prepared me to be an experiential new voice for conscious living. My success as a young COO at 33 years old, president, and chairman of various community organizations were the result of my ability to engage people by drawing the best out of them!

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Storytelling is my inspiring style. I am at my best when I share my life experiences of the good, bad, and ugly. Audiences find my light-hearted and energizing presentation extremely entertaining as it engages them to resonate with real-life situations in their life’s journey!

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Enlightenment occurs when the audience realizes how easy it is to transform themselves. The empowering awareness ushers in a new can-do attitude that leads to living in their sweet spot of life, their “Genius Zone,” and experience success, harmony, and JOY!

Proprietary Keynotes and Workshops Presentations that deliver transformational messages on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Most Requested Inspirational & Motivational Keynotes

Resilience Leadership - Live and Perform in Our Genius Zone

"Resilience Leadership" begins with “Designing Our Life to Live and Perform in Our Genius Zone!” The transformation ushers in clarity and a creative mindset giving us the courage to act with quiet, graceful confidence. With the power of words and soft skills, we can inspire and motivate others to excel and achieve, despite being overwhelmed and disorganized by current predicaments. Ultimate Team Success results from “leading people and managing situations.” It is conscious leadership at its best in the 21 century!

When Pot Roast Meets Sushi

“Setting the Table for a Multigenerational Workforce Conversation” to bridge the generational gap. A fun and insightful look into the five generations; Traditional Traditionalists, Still-Booming Boomers, Xtra-Independent Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Z. Although with differing motivations, goals, and communication styles, they all share and pursue the same three fundamental human desires; happiness, blessings, and abundance!

Kitchen Table Conversations: What My 9 Moms Taught Me about Life, Love, and Laughter

This fun, engaging, entertaining, and enlightening presentation is about how Johnny met his 9 Moms and how, through their unconditional motherly love, they collectively became his teachers, coaches, counselors, and cheerleaders when he was inches away from the various finish lines.

Johnny’s inspiring story about Recipes for Living Life: his Malaysian mom, Southern Belle mom, Italian Foster mom, Sanguine Savannah mom, Texan Earthy mom, Spiritual Progressive mom, Ballroom Instructor mom, German mom, and Cajun mom shared to help him discover his Genius Zone to flow with Life’s Rhythm and experience the Synergy of Success, Harmony, and Joyful Living 360.

The keynote will empower audiences with a new perspective on how it takes a village to raise a child, in this case, “A Global Village,” and leave a Legacy of Love for others to benefit from and follow!

Employee Engagement Genius Zone Workshops

Organizational Excellence:

In today’s hybrid working environment, a company’s Employee Engagement Program is the perfect platform for relaunching a renewed focus on creating a positive working environment reflective of its Corporate Family Culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - the promotion of respect, retention, stability, and loyalty by recognizing its actual assets - its people.

Here are three fun proprietary Organizational Excellence Genius Zone Workshops designed to “lead people and manage situations.” Each serving of engaging, entertaining, and enlightening presentations will empower everyone with transformative "Strategic Thinking and Planning, and Emotional Intelligence" that will renew their outlook regarding their workplace, colleagues, and future. Happy people are more creative and productive!

Turning a Job into a Career - A fresh, inspiring re-introduction to all employees of the company’s vision and mission statements delivered from the perspective “we are a corporate family that believes in Diversity, Equality, and Opportunity.”

When Pot Roast Meets Sushi - Setting the table for a multi-generational workforce conversation to empower everyone with practical communication soft skills that promote mutual respect and understanding while collectively pursuing “our company’s goals.”

Living and Performing in Our Genius Zone - An inspiring monthly/quarterly conversation presentation addressing “work-life balance, health and wellness, and the ever-expanding of an individual's bubble of quiet confidence.”

Leadership Excellence:

The essence of every company is its Leadership Team. In today’s highly competitive market, exceptionally skilled and talented individuals is an asset.

The Employee Engagement Program is an ideal platform to re-energize and empower leaders to refine personal management styles, skills, and behavior tendencies that best reflect the company’s “corporate family culture core values” of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion through individual leadership skills in a collaborative spirit!

Here are two proprietary Leadership Excellence Genius Zone Workshops designed to engage, entertain, and enlighten the leadership team on the concept of “Team Success and Work Harmony Occur When We Allow the Best in Us to Bring Out the Genius in Others!”

Personal Success Begins at Home - A conscious leadership mindset, focusing on being a “Leader of people and a Manager of situations,” as “Home” is within oneself. Self-Mastery will help transform and empower leaders to confidently embrace their authentic integrity with refined leadership soft skills to create a happy, creative, and productive work environment!

Synergy In Three Easy Steps - This fun Team-Building activity inspires understanding, compassion, and empathy. Its engaging, entertaining, and enlightening proactive approach teaches leaders how to apply Self-Mastery to strengthen and enhance teamwork through personal leadership using verbal and non-verbal communication skills. The hands-on participation provides opportunities for the best practices of cooperation to experience mutual satisfaction through achieving a common goal by “Listening and Talking Our Way To Success as a TEAM.”

Family Genius Zone Workshops

Mama’s Genius Zone:

Personal Success Begins at Home: It is a fun, engaging, and entertaining proprietary self-care workshop presentation uniquely designed to help moms navigate the motherhood journey as the COOs, if not the CEOs of their families. "Passion is when the Heart creates, and the Mind formulates."

When mommy feels great, empowered, and happy, the ripple effect permeates her circle of influence - her family, neighborhood, and community. She matters in heart, mind, body, and spirit!

Workshop Key Points - Bubble of Quiet Confidence, Mama’s Wisdom, Kitchen Table Conversations, The Magical Notes From The Fridge, Mama’s Me Time, Synergy in 3-Easy Steps - Words Have Power, In-house Mompreneurs, and Leaving a Legacy of Love - How Do You Want to be Remembered!

Teen Genius Zone:

Dream, Achieve, Become: It is a fun, engaging, and entertaining proprietary self-care workshop presentation uniquely designed to educate Teens about the Six Cornerstones of Self Mastery.

The transformative "Strategic Thinking and Planning, and Emotional Intelligence" will enhance and strengthen their leadership, developmental and soft skills as they happily pursue becoming the person they envision themselves to be!

Workshop Key Points - Unconscious Bias and Unintended Bias, Listen and Talk Our Way to Success, The Magic of Learning and Education, Turning a Job into a Career, Synergy in 3-Easy Steps - The Power of Teamwork, and Leaving a Legacy of Love - How Do You Want to be Remembered!

Workshop Transformational Benefits for the Students: Learning to use the power of Curiosity to turn chaos into peace. Applying Clarity to produce a creative mindset. Utilizing Courage to act and excel with quiet, graceful Confidence. Enjoying Living in the moment to celebrate successes as they occur. Embracing the perpetual synergy of Success, Harmony, and Joy as inspiration to continue to "Dream Larger, Achieve Greater, and Become Spectacular!"

Tween Genius Zone:

Dream, Achieve, Become: It is a fun, engaging, and entertaining proprietary self-care workshop presentation uniquely designed to educate Tweens with personal leadership, developmental and soft skills of "Strategic Thinking and Planning, and Emotional Intelligence" to happily live and perform in their Genius Zone.

Workshop Key Points - Unconscious Bias and Unintended Bias, Listen and Talk Our Way to Success, The Magic of Learning and Education, Synergy in 3-Easy Steps - The Power of Teamwork, and Leaving a Legacy of Love - How Do You Want to be Remembered!

Workshop Transformational Benefits for the Students: Learning to use the power of Curiosity to turn chaos into peace. Applying Clarity to produce a creative mindset. Utilizing Courage to act and excel with quiet, graceful Confidence. Enjoying Living in the moment to celebrate successes as they occur. Embracing the perpetual synergy of Success, Harmony, and Joy as inspiration to continue to "Dream Larger, Achieve Greater, and Become Spectacular."

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Six Hours to Harmony and Joyful Living 360.

Designing Your Life to Live and Perform in Your Genius Zone!

Six Hours to Harmony and Joyful Living 360 “Genius Zone” Workshop is designed to stimulate, enrich, and transform the heart, mind, body, and spirit. This engaging, entertaining, and enlightening presentation will help formulate and optimize your ability to succeed and thrive personally and professionally in the 21st century.

You will learn to discover the Six Cornerstones of Self Mastery, Use the Power of “Just For Today” to turn Chaos and Uncertainty into Peace and Clarity. Apply Strategic Thinking and Planning to Create. Allow Divine Emotional Intelligence to ignite the Courage to Act, which increases your vibrational energy frequency, always ready to Dream, Achieve, Become, and be empowered to fulfill your heart’s desires!

Upon completion, you will live in the sweet spot of Life, your “Genius Zone,” experiencing your highest Self with a balanced lifestyle, values, and priorities. You will be performing and expanding your Bubble of Quiet Confidence. It is Joyful Living 360 at its best!

What Audiences Are Saying

“Johnny’s keynote speech, Resilience ~ Designing Our Life to Live and Perform in Our Genius Zone, at the Global Forum for Education and Learning was spectacular.

His public speaking skills are inspiring and encouraging. It brings into the world awareness and understanding of how consciousness and being in an abundance mindset can change the trajectory of each individual.

Awareness is key, and Johnny makes sure his expertise and experience communicate this to the audience. The best speaker at the GFEL 2021 conference.”

— Stephanie Soetendal, Founder & CEO @ Matrix Tutors

“Johnny spoke to our women’s professional group about “setting the table for a multigenerational workforce conversation” – hilariously titled “When Pot Roast Meets Sushi.”

He shared his professional journey into a management role at a young age, how he navigated the differences in perspectives on age and managing people with care, consideration, and motivation.

He has a gift for understanding how to “meet people where they are.” Johnny’s zest is contagious! His presentation reminded me of the rich experiences that life brings each of us, and how we need to be open to the lessons that each phase and each individual we meet brings us.

Johnny’s fun, playful, and inspiring presentation taught us how to dance through these life lessons with graceful steps!” 

— Lindsey Duhon, Assistant to Jason C. Rebrook, President, Hilcorp Energy Company

“Johnny has an incredible story that brings to life lessons learned and applied throughout his journey.

In sharing his personal story about overcoming life’s challenges with great enthusiasm for the future, Johnny’s “Resilience Leadership” speech brought inspiration to my team. We were left with renewed energy, focus, and strategic skills to use in enhancing our work and home life.

Listening to and learning from Johnny will change your perspective and your life!”

— Carece Slaughter, CEO, Wealth & Business Coach, Strategic Planner, Speaker, Purpose Directed Wealth Strategies®

“Our family-owned business has always been proud of our corporate family culture. However, sometimes it is easy to forget how many lives we impact daily because of business demands. Johnny’s “Resilience Leadership” message from his book, From My Mama’s Kitchen, gave me the awareness and appreciation of my role and how I have the opportunity each day to positively influence both my employees and customers.”

— Michael Burnett, Vice-President, Midwest Tropical

“I had the chance to see Johnny speak on stage before meeting him in person at the Global Forum for Education and Learning conference. His keynote topic was, Resilience ~ Designing our Life to Live and Perform in Our Genius Zone.

Johnny is full of life, and it was a pleasure to hear him talk about his lessons from mamas kitchen. He is worldly in his culture and wisdom and brings important ideas for the world to consider.

He is an amazing speaker and student of life. I am looking forward to working together on a better future.”

 — Gene Nech, MBA., President & CEO at Eurekademics

“Johnny, thanks for sharing your wisdom and inspiration with the women of EWI Houston. So many members raved about your “When Pot Roast Meets Sushi” presentation, and we walked away from our meeting armed with valuable information to improve our communication both within our personal and business lives.

I was so moved by your message that I started connecting with my colleagues, family, and friends the very next day with a new approach, and the results have been amazing. Thank you for a fantastic presentation.” 

— Tara Converse, Administrative Director and Assistant to the CEO, Recipe for Success Foundation

“In sharing his personal story about overcoming life’s challenges with great enthusiasm for the future, Johnny’s “Resilience Leadership” speech brought inspiration to my team. We were left with renewed energy, focus, and strategic skills to use in enhancing our work and home life.”

— Kathleen Tucci, Founder, and CEO, Light Beam Productions